Friday, February 27, 2009

Progress is Made continued...

After Sheet-rock is Hung:

This is the view of the door to the back of the house. It's so much brighter now that the walls are white. Its so exciting to finally get an idea of how things are going to look when we're all done.
We may just get to live in a nice house someday!

This is the front "door" this is the one that is going to be converted into a window.

We decided that we were going to put in the "arcitectual" details that Dan is looking at in this pic. We were concerned that there wouldn't be enough support for the house after we took out the bug center wall...we solved this by adding some extra support in the form of a 2x4. Then we had to figure out how to hide it. This was the solution that we came up with...I didn't really like it at first but as work has been progressing it has been slowly growing on me.

We are definitely making progress even though sometimes it seems like its going slower than I would like. The sheet-rock guy has been late for the past two days and that is getting a bit irritating. Dan is definitely more irritated than I am though. He has recently started to really stress about the progress and has since decided that we're just going to start on the kitchen right away rather than waiting until the front is done like we were originally planning. This is all fine by long as it gets done at some point. As far as I'm concerned I've been living in a mess of a house and survived for years now and if I have to live in a bigger mess but get to see results sooner its all the better. They will probably be done with all the sheet-rock and texture by Monday so I will get new pictures and try to post them soon.

Progrees is Made!

Work is finally getting done! They are now in the process mudding the sheetrock. I am finally taking the time to post some more pictures of the progress.

After framing:

This is one of the front doors, this one is going to be permanently closed off and made to look like a window. We were originally going to replace the door with a newer more secure one but that will be like another $400. Then we decided that we were going to try to find an actual window to fit in there but ran into the problem of how it would look both outside and in as it wouldn't match the other windows and we don't have any extra siding to fill in the gap where the bottom of the door is. We finally came to the conclusion that it was easier (and cheaper!) to use the door that we already have and make it safer by permanently closing it off and trimming it out to fit in.

This is a pic of one of the windows...they are very cool multi-paned old school windows.

This is the other side of the room. The door leads to the rest of the house. The small area where we have been crammed into for way too long. I think that we're going to take a trip to Lowes to look at cabinets for the kitchen. We are starting to get moving on everything. Dan had HV/AC guys come out this morning to give us a quote on that and we are getting another quote later today. I will try to get the sheet rock pics up as soon as possible.

Photo Game

The rules of this little photo game:
Open the folder with all of your photos.
Open your 6th photo folder.
Take your 6th photo in that folder and blog it.
Write something about it.
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.

This is a picture of me and my friend Diana. We were at Jazz Fest in New Orleans. Jazz fest is the last weekend in April and the first weekend in May. In NOLA by this time it's usually pretty hot. This was taken May 6th, 2007 and it was absolutely blistering out and while it was pretty miserable we still had a blast. This makes me excited about Jazz Fest this year.